Aged skins. Uneven pigmentation and Blemishes (senile, pregnancy, due to oral contraceptives).



Mandelac is a line of products formulated with m andelic acid, especially recommended for skins that are intolerant to other alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs).

Mandelic acid, also known as amygdalic acid or 2-phenylglyoxylic acid, is an AHA derived from the hydrolysis of bitter almond extract.

It is commonly used for the treatment of photoaged skin, irregular pigmentation, non-cystic inflammatory acne, and to prepare the skin before and after laser resurfacing.

This line of products is suitable for sensitive skins. The relatively large molecule size of m andelic acid slows down the penetration through the stratum corneum, without causing itching or irritation.

Luxuriöse Pflege reich an pflanzlichen Stammzellen, Peptiden und Vitaminen , die ausschließlich aus Wirkstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs die maximale Wirkung auf Ihrer Haut zu entfalten.
Reine und natürliche Zutaten
Frei von Parabenen
Klinisch und dermatologisch getestet
Frei von Tierversuchen