Cosmelan Home Pack


Home pack for the cosmelan® method. Contains the products to follow the home protocol of the cosmelan® professional method and complete the depigmenting action for removing and/or reducing spots of melanic origin.

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Home pack for the cosmelan® method. Contains the products to follow the home protocol of the cosmelan® professional method and complete the depigmenting action for removing and/or reducing spots of melanic origin. It continuously attenuates the spots and regulates the overproduction of melanin, preventing their reappearance in the long term.

The pack contains:

  • cosmelan 2: facial cream for removing and/or reducing spots of melanic origin.
  • melan recovery: balm with calming and healing effect.
  • melan 130 pigment control: very high solar protection and colour.
Luxuriöse Pflege reich an pflanzlichen Stammzellen, Peptiden und Vitaminen , die ausschließlich aus Wirkstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs die maximale Wirkung auf Ihrer Haut zu entfalten.
Reine und natürliche Zutaten
Frei von Parabenen
Klinisch und dermatologisch getestet
Frei von Tierversuchen